Grimmsworld Draft and Mood


Experience the enchantment of the fairytales of old in a faraway land. Once upon a time..TODAY! This theme park will bring fairy tales to life- dark stories of evil witches and fearsome creatures lurking in the shadows. Grimmsville will create a world in which guests can interact with strange reincarnations of characters from classics and childhood stories, and have the opportunity to assist in the roles of heroes villains and tricksters journeys. Although the themes stem from the recounted Grimm’s Brothers collections, the manifestations of classic stories like Sleeping Beauty and Rumplestiltskin will have a modern day twist- most importantly creating a diverse cast that features female protagonists side characters and villains that are multi-dimensional and engaging. 

My park will be built more akin to that of a Renaissance Fair or an extended (very much so) hayride, integrated into a pre-existing forest and separated into quadrants dedicated to different dark fairytales. Although the ‘storyworlds’ (this is how each of the attractions will be addressed in booklets and maps, although the actors will address them by either ‘The Land of so-and-so’ or ‘The Realm of so-and-so’ etc. Although it will be taking place within a forest (which will be heavily maintained so as to avoid littering and any abuse to the land itself), the main attractions will be taking place in enclosures designed for Escape-Room games and VR experiences dedicated to learning the Grimmsville retellings of the classic fairytales.

Grimmsworld will be dedicated to creating a mood of mystery and darkness, and inspires visitors to indulge their suspension of disbelief. Visitors will travel through the forest to each of the attraction buildings, where along the way they may be approached by actors looking for help on side quests or goofed around with for antics.

The park will be open from sun-down ‘til sun-up, from early summer until the end of the autumn festivities. No alcohol will be served, and the food and drink being served will be akin to that of a carnival. There aren’t any rides because it focuses primarily on hay-ride-esque adventure experiences touring the ‘dark woods’ straying off the proverbial path. Each of the attractions are themed around the annual retellings of Grimms’ Brothers tales, and information and short stories of the original retellings will be featured on the Grimmsworld website. The attractions are orchestrated as Mystery Room or Murder Mystery scenarios with The True Story of the Three Little Pigs childrens’ book atmosphere.

These retellings will host a cast of actors that have half a year to get into their roles and build installations within the four quadrants for the upcoming season. The park will be open from early summer to the end of the autumn season. Thereby allotting time for new tales to be woven. Visitors will have access to short stories and information on the upcoming attractions so as to build up an arsenal of knowledge to apply in the future. Each story will have a fun retelling, damsels will be knights and knights will be damsels, the classical villains won’t always be the bad guys. Lady knights will save damsels, and heroes will journey for the sake of justice without reward. Some characters will remain each season but most will make way for newer attractions each year.

Because the park requires so much on the conceptual and acting level, during the off-seasons auditions will be held for new characters- of course this requires a very serious level of commitment and the new cast will be expected to have a certain level of dedication that transcends pay-incentive. Year-round the website will sell merchandise and generate discussion boards for fans/visitors regarding stories and contests, that will build up revenue to support the funds needed to build new installations and support actors.


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