Bond Tribe

World Building 10/17/17

Ecology of World:

-massive foliage (inhabitants very small in relation to the environemt, think bugs)

Nature of Civilization:
-hunter/gatherer tribe, nomadic
-interconnected network of sub tribes that reconvene at certain times of the year (celebrations, seasonal changes, trades)

-harvest nectar/seeds from environment
-plants large enough that the spoils will last a good deal of time if grounded and stored in small bags; packed with nutrition so only a small amount is required per day

Traits of Civ:
-Covets nature above all else
Opposite: fears nature, reverent to it in order to avoid natural disaster (will of the earth)
Complement: Festivities revolve around appeasing nature, and developing spiritual bond with it. Individuals find a sense of identity by resonating with certain aspects of the environment in coming-of-age pivotal points in development

Each member of this civilization possesses a Bond, which manifests during puberty. The Bond is an affinity to a certain element in nature, although it is more specific than earth/fire/water/air. One might have a green thumb Bond, where they are particularly skilled in growing plants and reading the land. Another might have a Bond revolving around directing/reading air currents. Most Bonds manifest as a simple affinity that helps the individual contribute to the tribe’s survival, but in certain cases individuals possess a powerful ability to manipulate their element on a spiritual level.
Hierarchy of civilization in a nomadic tribe generally remains equal, but over time depending on the unique Bond with nature and the level of control over said Bond distinguishes members of the culture as more or less important.

-Very theatrical and classy (think 18th century France/Rococo)
-Greetings with respectable members of society are grandiose and elegant
-Even greetings between friends are somewhat theatrical in nature, incredibly jovial and often involve some sort of introduction with said Bond, sortof like the way that certain garments in history described the status (marital/ranking/social status) of individuals.

Considered a crime in morale/spirituality, but often overlooked: Abusing Bond for personal gain
Small interpersonal connections are quintessential to such small tribes, an attack on someone be it physical or otherwise is considered heinous. It is punished on a low-key scale with having daily harvest portions cut and distributed either to the victim of the crime or throughout the community, OR on a high-key scale the individual may be given the cold shoulder for a certain period of time or even cast out indefinitely. Healthy relationships within the tribe are incredibly important to survival mentally and physically.

-Not really important outside of procreating
- gender really doesn’t play a role.

- Identity is distinguished and celebrated through The Bond with nature, eventually certain Bonds will be considered more valuable than others as the society develops and grows, and certain technologies overshadow roles, generally none until Bonds begin establishing powerful vs weak 

Social bonds:
-Marrying to neighboring tribes is encouraged to strengthen peaceful bonds, but marrying within one community is not unheard of. Not necessarily polyamorous but sexual freedom is normal. ‘Marriage’ is a bond that promises fidelity on a spiritual level although in most cases it involves sexual fidelity as well.
-Family is viewed as the tribe unit, not necessarily by biological parentage, although said bond often creates special relationships due to heredity of natural Bonds (someone with a Green Thumb Bond (good at growing plants/reading the land) will likely produce a child with the same/similar Bond).
-Sub-groups of ‘family’ involve community of similar Bonds.
            -i.e. water-inclined Bonds will spend more time together honing the skills of younger members and collecting resources for the tribe.

Food Preferences:
-Predominantly a vegetarian culture, and treats cattle like family- treated as honorable members of the clan for providing essential needs like milk and transportation
-When an animal’s prime begins to wane there is a great ceremony to put the animal out of its ‘misery’- to prevent it from the withering away of old age.
-The body is harvested completely so as to honor its worth as a part of the tribe. Its meat is eaten, its fat and oils are utilized and stored, its bones are used to make fine tools and jewelry and as ornaments for temporary homes. For three whole days and nights its participation in the clan is celebrated. While the meat is considered delicious unanimously, to hunt or kill solely for meat is an unspeakable crime.


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