Planet: Mythos
Planet: Mythos Nebula: Celestial Laurel Properties: One sun, six large moons and thirty three satellite- small moons. A large gaseous planet made up predominantly of hydrogen and helium, with raging storms so big they can be seen from far away by the naked eye. __ The planet mythos resides in the Celestial Laurel Nebula, a nebula of stardust that appears to be interwoven but clusters of iridescent asteroids and debris that actually came from the disposal systems of a neighboring galaxy. The molecular structure of the compounds worked in such a way that the clusters of litter actually created a helix-like formation that from far away appears to be woven around the nebula itself. Mythos does not have intelligent life on it the way one might consider it to be here on Earth, but instead is comprised of beautiful and complex organisms that can survive in a world without solid ground. These creatures are reminiscent of deep sea life on Earth. One Mythos day is equivalent to that ...